Saturday, December 17, 2011
saturday night
Sometimes a big city is the best place to be when you want to feel alone.
... I thought to myself as I drove patiently along the 10 this morning after relieving myself of the most ridiculous guest I have ever had the displeasure of entertaining.
tonight I am enjoying the company of myself. truthfully, myself and my new iPhone. what an amazing piece of technology. the convenience of this device is the nicest thing technology has ever provided me, personally. thank you kindly, apple.
I am also thankful for the real women I've had the pleasure of knowing, loving, and learning from throughout my life.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Los Angeles, How about it
Recently I've been doing a lot of pro/con-ing on "Los Angeles," and I figured using this blog to sort out my thoughts might serve as helpful to myself and others wondering what's going through my head these days :)
So, after some contemplation and editing, here's my LA Pro/Con Comparison. These are in order of Favorite to Most Favorite, and Annoying to Super Annoying.
Radio Stations--Best Radio Stations in the US, has to be! Every morning I turn on my car prepared to be crunked out by any genre of music. Rarely fails. 92.3 in the morning, 93.5, 101.5, and also 97.1 when and if I'm feeling like Today's Hot Hits
Discounts--I abuse the HELL out of Groupon, LivingSocial, AmazonLocal, etc. One of the few e-mails groups I belong to, I'm purchasing at least once a week. Everyone here uses the WWW and Yelp reviews are taken super seriously. There are massive amounts of options for any occasion or fling, as well a few businesses in each and every category imaginable, so competition for consumer loyalty is fierce. It's great to be a customer in Los Angeles!
Music--Loving the West Coast funky styley music. Super chill, further from the Bluesy roots I'm used to from the South and will always love the most, but I'm loving my exposure to the natural, laid back meets electronica meets reggae meetsfolky (ok, I'll stop) mix up that's going on here.
Citizens of LA--The most fascinating group of people I have ever lived among. Living/Working here, you encounter so many people that are responsible for a lot of what's going on in the "here & now" in the US. Although I'm not always an active member of "here & now," I will always give props when they're due, and the majority of the Citizens of LA keep their hustle steady and play it forward always. One of the better things about living among so many "stars" and "celebrities"--you're not always impressed on a star-struck level when you run into said "hot-shots," because everyone is involved with the Industry and everyone is "someone" here. It's still random and exciting!, just not noteworthy every time someone like Patti Stanger, Millionaire Matchmaker, comes into your workplace.
My Apartment--Ahhh, it's so cute! I love it. I must say, I've put a good amount of searching and effort into getting my little nest set up the way I want, and it's coming together piece by piece.
My Job--Best job! It's truly a blessing to work for people you look up to, respect, and learn from daily. Working for Nilou Ghodsi at Heist on Abbot Kinney is slightly different from working for Tracy & Traci at Sunglasses On Main in Statesboro or Valdosta (HA! TO SAY THE LEAST!) I'm learning the ins and outs of what it takes to run a successful business, and I couldn't be more grateful for the little tips I'm picking up along the way.
Mother Nature--Mountains, Valleys, Beaches, Parks, outdoor activities, happy pups everywhere, families from every background and ethnicity, different languages heard on every block, Trees, green grass, green bud (what, you thought I was going to write on the topic of things I'm grateful out here on the West Coast and cowardly leave out the amazingness I get to enjoy on the reg? No way, Rude!)--The Big Lady has really outdone herself here in LA. Not all of LA, it's true that parts of Los Angeles County are similar to parking lots with ridiculous shoe stores (Roseanne Barr--she has an interesting perspective on LA as well, hilarious!). Luckily, I spend about 75% of my time in Santa Monica and Venice. These particular parts of LA are amazing from sunrise to sunset, and back to sunrise again.
Litter--There are plenty of people concerned with keeping the environment in check around these parts, but keeping LA clean is not an easy task. I see trash being thrown and trash being picked up around the rate of 5:3. Disappointing, we could all do a little better!
Citizens of LA--Although they are among my favorite group of people ^^, sometimes it can get a little much. Ego's run high, wallets never run as deep as they try to appear, and for someone who is not the most trusting individual (Ahhem, moi), it can be hard to establish solid relationships with fellow LAiens.
Traffic--I bet most people would assume traffic would fall closer to "MOST ANNOYING THING EVER" as Los Angeles has quite a bad rep in the traffic department. It's not ideal, but most importantly it's just not that bad. I mean, there are massive amounts of LocAls (Do you guys notice/appreciate all the LA puns and remixes I'm throwing out there?) who would probably disagree with me, for sure. Most of them probably work 8-5 Mon-Fri. I work 11-7 Sunday-Thursday. You win some you loose some, Don't hate me cause you ain't me homieee. My hours help me dodge the infamous "LA Traffic" and for that, I am grateful and have a lower stress level.
Rent!--Dammmn! Enough said.
No Visible Stars at Night--This gets harder and harder, especially after leaving Lake Tahoe this time around. I've always appreciated the stars. The pollution around these parts is pretty out of hand and getting in the way of my God given right to view the stars! Mer!
Cancer warnings/General uncleanliness--I was at an apartment building that had signs posted informing the residents that their risk of cancer was higher because of living in that area. YIKES. The general nasty stankness and uncleanliness of certain situations you find yourself in are too much for comfort sometimes!
Distance from the majority of the people I love--I miss all my people! My closest friends are spread from NYC, Dallas, Atlanta/Georgia, California, to Colorado, Lea is jet setting all over the US these days, etc., so it's not like anywhere is going to take me back to 2007, but damn if I don't wish something could!!
So, after some contemplation and editing, here's my LA Pro/Con Comparison. These are in order of Favorite to Most Favorite, and Annoying to Super Annoying.
Radio Stations--Best Radio Stations in the US, has to be! Every morning I turn on my car prepared to be crunked out by any genre of music. Rarely fails. 92.3 in the morning, 93.5, 101.5, and also 97.1 when and if I'm feeling like Today's Hot Hits
Discounts--I abuse the HELL out of Groupon, LivingSocial, AmazonLocal, etc. One of the few e-mails groups I belong to, I'm purchasing at least once a week. Everyone here uses the WWW and Yelp reviews are taken super seriously. There are massive amounts of options for any occasion or fling, as well a few businesses in each and every category imaginable, so competition for consumer loyalty is fierce. It's great to be a customer in Los Angeles!
Music--Loving the West Coast funky styley music. Super chill, further from the Bluesy roots I'm used to from the South and will always love the most, but I'm loving my exposure to the natural, laid back meets electronica meets reggae meets
Citizens of LA--The most fascinating group of people I have ever lived among. Living/Working here, you encounter so many people that are responsible for a lot of what's going on in the "here & now" in the US. Although I'm not always an active member of "here & now," I will always give props when they're due, and the majority of the Citizens of LA keep their hustle steady and play it forward always. One of the better things about living among so many "stars" and "celebrities"--you're not always impressed on a star-struck level when you run into said "hot-shots," because everyone is involved with the Industry and everyone is "someone" here. It's still random and exciting!, just not noteworthy every time someone like Patti Stanger, Millionaire Matchmaker, comes into your workplace.
My Apartment--Ahhh, it's so cute! I love it. I must say, I've put a good amount of searching and effort into getting my little nest set up the way I want, and it's coming together piece by piece.
My Job--Best job! It's truly a blessing to work for people you look up to, respect, and learn from daily. Working for Nilou Ghodsi at Heist on Abbot Kinney is slightly different from working for Tracy & Traci at Sunglasses On Main in Statesboro or Valdosta (HA! TO SAY THE LEAST!) I'm learning the ins and outs of what it takes to run a successful business, and I couldn't be more grateful for the little tips I'm picking up along the way.
Mother Nature--Mountains, Valleys, Beaches, Parks, outdoor activities, happy pups everywhere, families from every background and ethnicity, different languages heard on every block, Trees, green grass, green bud (what, you thought I was going to write on the topic of things I'm grateful out here on the West Coast and cowardly leave out the amazingness I get to enjoy on the reg? No way, Rude!)--The Big Lady has really outdone herself here in LA. Not all of LA, it's true that parts of Los Angeles County are similar to parking lots with ridiculous shoe stores (Roseanne Barr--she has an interesting perspective on LA as well, hilarious!). Luckily, I spend about 75% of my time in Santa Monica and Venice. These particular parts of LA are amazing from sunrise to sunset, and back to sunrise again.
Litter--There are plenty of people concerned with keeping the environment in check around these parts, but keeping LA clean is not an easy task. I see trash being thrown and trash being picked up around the rate of 5:3. Disappointing, we could all do a little better!
Citizens of LA--Although they are among my favorite group of people ^^, sometimes it can get a little much. Ego's run high, wallets never run as deep as they try to appear, and for someone who is not the most trusting individual (Ahhem, moi), it can be hard to establish solid relationships with fellow LAiens.
Traffic--I bet most people would assume traffic would fall closer to "MOST ANNOYING THING EVER" as Los Angeles has quite a bad rep in the traffic department. It's not ideal, but most importantly it's just not that bad. I mean, there are massive amounts of LocAls (Do you guys notice/appreciate all the LA puns and remixes I'm throwing out there?) who would probably disagree with me, for sure. Most of them probably work 8-5 Mon-Fri. I work 11-7 Sunday-Thursday. You win some you loose some, Don't hate me cause you ain't me homieee. My hours help me dodge the infamous "LA Traffic" and for that, I am grateful and have a lower stress level.
Rent!--Dammmn! Enough said.
No Visible Stars at Night--This gets harder and harder, especially after leaving Lake Tahoe this time around. I've always appreciated the stars. The pollution around these parts is pretty out of hand and getting in the way of my God given right to view the stars! Mer!
Cancer warnings/General uncleanliness--I was at an apartment building that had signs posted informing the residents that their risk of cancer was higher because of living in that area. YIKES. The general nasty stankness and uncleanliness of certain situations you find yourself in are too much for comfort sometimes!
Distance from the majority of the people I love--I miss all my people! My closest friends are spread from NYC, Dallas, Atlanta/Georgia, California, to Colorado, Lea is jet setting all over the US these days, etc., so it's not like anywhere is going to take me back to 2007, but damn if I don't wish something could!!
Monday, August 22, 2011
mercury retrograde
is seriously the worst. my communication has been off with plenty of people in my life, especially within the last 24 hours. and especially with my boyfriend who i've always been happy with and never questioned. now i am.
everyone i was around today was off...slow, bad mood, bad news, lack of communication with important people, no energy whatsoever, just ready for the day to end. at boot camp only 5 people showed up! i was 80% not going to go after waking up, but i finally pushed myself out of bed. work was soooo long. ugh. not talking with will was really hard. but i don't know. it's like talking doesn't matter anyways because we are getting no where. it's so hard to get him to talk sometimes, i wonder how long i can go on like that, being the expressive person that i am most of the time and depending on an open flow of communication with people closest to me.
i love him. i think he's awesome. i truly wish him the best in the world, and hope to be that someday, but this is so frustrating...
thankful for the customer that shed some light on this situation. if anything else, these last 4 days of mercury in retrograde can't end soon enough. i'm totally blaming everything going on in the world on this. ha. who cares
everyone i was around today was off...slow, bad mood, bad news, lack of communication with important people, no energy whatsoever, just ready for the day to end. at boot camp only 5 people showed up! i was 80% not going to go after waking up, but i finally pushed myself out of bed. work was soooo long. ugh. not talking with will was really hard. but i don't know. it's like talking doesn't matter anyways because we are getting no where. it's so hard to get him to talk sometimes, i wonder how long i can go on like that, being the expressive person that i am most of the time and depending on an open flow of communication with people closest to me.
i love him. i think he's awesome. i truly wish him the best in the world, and hope to be that someday, but this is so frustrating...
thankful for the customer that shed some light on this situation. if anything else, these last 4 days of mercury in retrograde can't end soon enough. i'm totally blaming everything going on in the world on this. ha. who cares
Friday, August 19, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Defeat, my Defeat, my solitude and my aloofness;
You are dearer to me than a thousand triumphs,
And sweeter to my heart than all worldglory.
Defeat, my Defeat, my self-knowledge and my defiance,
Through you I know that I am yet young and swift of foot
And not to be trapped by withering laurels.
And in you I have found aloneness
And the joy of being shunned and scorned.
Defeat, my Defeat, my shining sword and shield,
In your eyes I have read
That to be enthroned is to be enslaved,
And to be understood is to be levelled down,
And to be grasped is but to reach one's fulness
And like a ripe fruit to fall and be consumed.
Defeat, my Defeat, my bold companion,
You shall hear my songs and my cries and my silences,
And none but you shall speak to me of the beating of wings,
And urging of seas,
And of mountains that burn in the night,
And you alone shall climb my steep and rocky soul.
Defeat, my Defeat, my deathless courage,
You and I shall laugh together with the storm,
And together we shall dig graves for all that die in us,
And we shall stand in the sun with a will,
And we shall be dangerous.
-Kahlil Gibran
The Madman
You are dearer to me than a thousand triumphs,
And sweeter to my heart than all worldglory.
Defeat, my Defeat, my self-knowledge and my defiance,
Through you I know that I am yet young and swift of foot
And not to be trapped by withering laurels.
And in you I have found aloneness
And the joy of being shunned and scorned.
Defeat, my Defeat, my shining sword and shield,
In your eyes I have read
That to be enthroned is to be enslaved,
And to be understood is to be levelled down,
And to be grasped is but to reach one's fulness
And like a ripe fruit to fall and be consumed.
Defeat, my Defeat, my bold companion,
You shall hear my songs and my cries and my silences,
And none but you shall speak to me of the beating of wings,
And urging of seas,
And of mountains that burn in the night,
And you alone shall climb my steep and rocky soul.
Defeat, my Defeat, my deathless courage,
You and I shall laugh together with the storm,
And together we shall dig graves for all that die in us,
And we shall stand in the sun with a will,
And we shall be dangerous.
-Kahlil Gibran
The Madman
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Get Up Get Out
Hello! SO big things have been going on...lots of changes in my life, good and bleh...
This post is dedicated to my job.
But it didn't start this way... .. .
(said in cheesy MTV or Seacrest Productions reality show announcer voice, cue Journey or Katy Perry song)
First and foremost: My job is amazing, I couldn't be happier, and I couldn't be learning from better people!
That being said--
I was very intimidated after learning that I would be working more at Heist than at Undiscovered. These are both stores that are out of my league in general, but Undiscovered is brand new (opened at the tail end of January 2011) while Heist has been on the block for 6 years, going strong. There are customers that have been there since the beginning, that know everything about the store and the brands in it, i. e. way more than me--not a cute look if it were to be noticed by someone of importance. The clientele is very similar between both stores, but Heist deals with some serious, serious high end individuals. I was afraid that I would be unable to relate to these customers, leaving me feeling awkward and inadequate, and my bosses eventually disappointed. I mean, one bag or pair of boots in that store could be more than I spend on clothes annually. Not kidding. Now this being said, I spend less on clothing and accessories than 90% of the females I know. The luxury of shopping all the time (a few times a month) like a normal girl was taken away from me before the age of 16, so since then I've literally been getting by when it comes to clothing. I'd shop a couple times a year, grab some cute, fun, and cheap things when I absolutely needed them. So, what the hell do I have in common with someone who will drop 3 G's because they saw something in the window that appealed to them? I've sold to Jasmine al Fayed, watched Robert Downey Jr. and his wife browse around, and noticed that Julia Roberts is just a few customers down from my own name in the Heist customer database.
The first couple of weeks I was very nervous. I didn't speak with confidence when people walked in. I didn't want to "offend" anyone by letting them know that sale was upstairs and we had more sizes available. So many people have looked offended because I told them where sale was. Get over yourself, it's my job to tell you!! Nobody is too good for a sale, ole bitch asses. Anyways..Nilou, my amazing, wonderful, super cool boss has had me on this little project recently where I go through each piece of inventory and record where it was manufactured, weight, and other measurements (for shipping and internet orders). This has helped me become more familiar with the merchandise and in turn has increased my confidence. I can't sell something I don't believe in, much less something I don't know shit about.
Learning about all of these amazing brands and designers has been a huge learning experience, one that will continue for as long as I work there I'm sure! And while I would love to give some of the customers a reality check, the majority of our clients fill my head with wonderful stories from their lives and leave me in awe, excited for my own future. Abbot Kinney is a beautiful area, full of creative individuals from every walk of the world. I will go into my thoughts on Venice/LA in general another time. It's a great place and I'm happy to be a part of it :)
To wrap this up, Nilou & Shannon (Owner and General Manager) have been so wonderful! I look up to them both, and they are both openly very appreciative of me being there. Nilou surprised me today with an AWESOME gift, inspiring me to write this blog. She just had an amazing centerpiece built for Undiscovered by Chinese Jesus that was put in yesterday. The old centerpiece was a really cool white picnic looking table. She didn't know what to do with it, and she knew I needed furniture so she asked me if I could use it. Unfortunately, the table was longer than my dining room, otherwise I would have LOVED to take it off her hands. Well, she told me this afternoon that she had the table cut and for me to pick it up in the morning. !!! I'm SO excited! Now I will have a piece of Heist & Undiscovered with me forever, and I am bursting with cute ideas for the piece. How thoughtful and awesome is that? Dining room table=Check!
That's all for now! I plan on writing about my living situation soon, because at this point I don't know what else to do. It's been.....not what I expected, let's just say that. I am unhappy, feeling betrayed and taken advantage of, and stuck. No fun. BUT, I made my bed so I must now lay in it, and Life will always go on.
LAKE TAHOE TOMORROW! I can't wait to hang out with my thoughtful, sweet, sexy boyfriend and his sweet, fun sister!!
This post is dedicated to my job.
But it didn't start this way... .. .
(said in cheesy MTV or Seacrest Productions reality show announcer voice, cue Journey or Katy Perry song)
First and foremost: My job is amazing, I couldn't be happier, and I couldn't be learning from better people!
That being said--
I was very intimidated after learning that I would be working more at Heist than at Undiscovered. These are both stores that are out of my league in general, but Undiscovered is brand new (opened at the tail end of January 2011) while Heist has been on the block for 6 years, going strong. There are customers that have been there since the beginning, that know everything about the store and the brands in it, i. e. way more than me--not a cute look if it were to be noticed by someone of importance. The clientele is very similar between both stores, but Heist deals with some serious, serious high end individuals. I was afraid that I would be unable to relate to these customers, leaving me feeling awkward and inadequate, and my bosses eventually disappointed. I mean, one bag or pair of boots in that store could be more than I spend on clothes annually. Not kidding. Now this being said, I spend less on clothing and accessories than 90% of the females I know. The luxury of shopping all the time (a few times a month) like a normal girl was taken away from me before the age of 16, so since then I've literally been getting by when it comes to clothing. I'd shop a couple times a year, grab some cute, fun, and cheap things when I absolutely needed them. So, what the hell do I have in common with someone who will drop 3 G's because they saw something in the window that appealed to them? I've sold to Jasmine al Fayed, watched Robert Downey Jr. and his wife browse around, and noticed that Julia Roberts is just a few customers down from my own name in the Heist customer database.
The first couple of weeks I was very nervous. I didn't speak with confidence when people walked in. I didn't want to "offend" anyone by letting them know that sale was upstairs and we had more sizes available. So many people have looked offended because I told them where sale was. Get over yourself, it's my job to tell you!! Nobody is too good for a sale, ole bitch asses. Anyways..Nilou, my amazing, wonderful, super cool boss has had me on this little project recently where I go through each piece of inventory and record where it was manufactured, weight, and other measurements (for shipping and internet orders). This has helped me become more familiar with the merchandise and in turn has increased my confidence. I can't sell something I don't believe in, much less something I don't know shit about.
Learning about all of these amazing brands and designers has been a huge learning experience, one that will continue for as long as I work there I'm sure! And while I would love to give some of the customers a reality check, the majority of our clients fill my head with wonderful stories from their lives and leave me in awe, excited for my own future. Abbot Kinney is a beautiful area, full of creative individuals from every walk of the world. I will go into my thoughts on Venice/LA in general another time. It's a great place and I'm happy to be a part of it :)
To wrap this up, Nilou & Shannon (Owner and General Manager) have been so wonderful! I look up to them both, and they are both openly very appreciative of me being there. Nilou surprised me today with an AWESOME gift, inspiring me to write this blog. She just had an amazing centerpiece built for Undiscovered by Chinese Jesus that was put in yesterday. The old centerpiece was a really cool white picnic looking table. She didn't know what to do with it, and she knew I needed furniture so she asked me if I could use it. Unfortunately, the table was longer than my dining room, otherwise I would have LOVED to take it off her hands. Well, she told me this afternoon that she had the table cut and for me to pick it up in the morning. !!! I'm SO excited! Now I will have a piece of Heist & Undiscovered with me forever, and I am bursting with cute ideas for the piece. How thoughtful and awesome is that? Dining room table=Check!
That's all for now! I plan on writing about my living situation soon, because at this point I don't know what else to do. It's been.....not what I expected, let's just say that. I am unhappy, feeling betrayed and taken advantage of, and stuck. No fun. BUT, I made my bed so I must now lay in it, and Life will always go on.
LAKE TAHOE TOMORROW! I can't wait to hang out with my thoughtful, sweet, sexy boyfriend and his sweet, fun sister!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
real quick...
I would just like to take a minute to give props to car owners and drivers in Los Angeles.
There was a lot of hype over Carmageddon last weekend, and as a new resident of the area, I naively worried about the chaos that was supposed to be "Carmageddon".\\
July 15-17, 2011 Carmageddon::
I have never had a more enjoyable ride to work, home from work, anywhere in LA. Nobody was on the road! Considering the 405 is basically always bumper to bumper, the anticipation of 405 traffic ALL over LA x 10 was definitely something that could have happened, if LA wasn't filled with outstanding citizens that all decided to use this opportunity to become more familiar with their own unique neighborhoods. It was so nice, not only because of the crazy lack of drivers out, but knowing that everyone was working together and enjoyed doing so. The people out here are really great, for the most part. There are exceptions in every group. :)
The drivers out here usually work together, which is awesome to be a part of. Everyone is trying to get somewhere, and the degree of selfishness on the road is slighty smaller out here, to me anyways. You get what you put out in LA. This city is filled with beautiful, creative, giving, kind, caring creatures. People take care of themselves and they take care of each other. It's a nice little world and I'm happy to be living in it :)
There was a lot of hype over Carmageddon last weekend, and as a new resident of the area, I naively worried about the chaos that was supposed to be "Carmageddon".\\
July 15-17, 2011 Carmageddon::
I have never had a more enjoyable ride to work, home from work, anywhere in LA. Nobody was on the road! Considering the 405 is basically always bumper to bumper, the anticipation of 405 traffic ALL over LA x 10 was definitely something that could have happened, if LA wasn't filled with outstanding citizens that all decided to use this opportunity to become more familiar with their own unique neighborhoods. It was so nice, not only because of the crazy lack of drivers out, but knowing that everyone was working together and enjoyed doing so. The people out here are really great, for the most part. There are exceptions in every group. :)
The drivers out here usually work together, which is awesome to be a part of. Everyone is trying to get somewhere, and the degree of selfishness on the road is slighty smaller out here, to me anyways. You get what you put out in LA. This city is filled with beautiful, creative, giving, kind, caring creatures. People take care of themselves and they take care of each other. It's a nice little world and I'm happy to be living in it :)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Always Caught in Limbo
Hello to the many few of you that are continuing to follow my blog at this point!
The past couple of months have been full of change and I have literally been all over the place. I've officially made the move to the West Coast and have enjoyed all 1600 minutes of my life upon entering this 72 degrees piece of heaven that is Los Angeles.
Life before the final, Final, decision to relocate to the opposite side of the country was hectic and would have probably caused much confusion had I tried to keep my blog updated throughout the decision process. I changed my mind daily, had a new idea daily, a new place I wanted to live, a new friend I wanted to convince to move with me.....It was a mess. BUT...Here I am, sitting in my new apartment in West LA (Palms, to be exact).
I spent May 17th-June 17th in Statesboro catching up with friends & fam, and my wonderful, amazing, super thoughtful and supportive boyfriend, Will. During my stay I did so many things...Hangout 2011 was by far the most exciting thing I did [Blog + Pictures to come later} while in the Southeast. All of my time there was so exceptional. I had a totally new appreciation for my Home and the Southeast in general. Now there were times that I was a total Sweaty Keith in 100+ weather, AND being annoyed by any given stereotypical Southern occurrence, no doubt, but at certain times I was able to find beauty in things that I was not previously able to appreciate, and I am grateful for that.
Got to catch up with many friends and had the pleasure of making a few new ones [Shout out to Morgan's cousin Lindsey from San Fran and Alexis D. from Dallas--my 2 favorite new friends--Extra special shout out to Emma T., Will's sis who I had the extreme pleasure of meeting for the first time before Hangout--huge success!]
Obviously I wouldn't have decided to move here if I had not first secured a job. Undiscovered/Heist has asked me to work more than just Sundays. While I was home for the past month, I was under the impression I'd be working 3 days a week, which is ok, but I would have most definitely needed a second job, if not a 3rd eventually. However, just minutes after we crossed the California state line, I received a call from my boss asking me to work 5 days a week! Very excited and thankful for this opportunity. I will be working at both stores, so this is a lot of new responsibility for me to take on, I hope I can learn enough about the brands we carry before I start (Friday--Ha!). Also, I stopped by Pizza Fusion, which has now successfully transformed into the Pour House and I must say, looks great. They asked me to come back, and I might. I can't work as much as they wanted me to, but I'm definitely interested in a few night shifts.
This is all for now. It's been a long day and I'm sleepy :) Oh yeah, today we purchased a bed, a refrigerator, and an internet/cable package. Not too shab for day 1.
Favorite part of day: Exploring around our neighborhood and being greeted with super friendly faces.
The past couple of months have been full of change and I have literally been all over the place. I've officially made the move to the West Coast and have enjoyed all 1600 minutes of my life upon entering this 72 degrees piece of heaven that is Los Angeles.
Life before the final, Final, decision to relocate to the opposite side of the country was hectic and would have probably caused much confusion had I tried to keep my blog updated throughout the decision process. I changed my mind daily, had a new idea daily, a new place I wanted to live, a new friend I wanted to convince to move with me.....It was a mess. BUT...Here I am, sitting in my new apartment in West LA (Palms, to be exact).
I spent May 17th-June 17th in Statesboro catching up with friends & fam, and my wonderful, amazing, super thoughtful and supportive boyfriend, Will. During my stay I did so many things...Hangout 2011 was by far the most exciting thing I did [Blog + Pictures to come later} while in the Southeast. All of my time there was so exceptional. I had a totally new appreciation for my Home and the Southeast in general. Now there were times that I was a total Sweaty Keith in 100+ weather, AND being annoyed by any given stereotypical Southern occurrence, no doubt, but at certain times I was able to find beauty in things that I was not previously able to appreciate, and I am grateful for that.
Got to catch up with many friends and had the pleasure of making a few new ones [Shout out to Morgan's cousin Lindsey from San Fran and Alexis D. from Dallas--my 2 favorite new friends--Extra special shout out to Emma T., Will's sis who I had the extreme pleasure of meeting for the first time before Hangout--huge success!]
Obviously I wouldn't have decided to move here if I had not first secured a job. Undiscovered/Heist has asked me to work more than just Sundays. While I was home for the past month, I was under the impression I'd be working 3 days a week, which is ok, but I would have most definitely needed a second job, if not a 3rd eventually. However, just minutes after we crossed the California state line, I received a call from my boss asking me to work 5 days a week! Very excited and thankful for this opportunity. I will be working at both stores, so this is a lot of new responsibility for me to take on, I hope I can learn enough about the brands we carry before I start (Friday--Ha!). Also, I stopped by Pizza Fusion, which has now successfully transformed into the Pour House and I must say, looks great. They asked me to come back, and I might. I can't work as much as they wanted me to, but I'm definitely interested in a few night shifts.
This is all for now. It's been a long day and I'm sleepy :) Oh yeah, today we purchased a bed, a refrigerator, and an internet/cable package. Not too shab for day 1.
Favorite part of day: Exploring around our neighborhood and being greeted with super friendly faces.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Consciousness drives Evolution
California has been an amazing place lately :) Great vibes coming from all directions, I really feel like I'm on the verge of growing again. For some reason, I felt like I'd been at a stagnant point in my life lately. I just wasn't doing new things other than eating and drinking, which is fun, but my spirit or soul or something just needed a more, less materialistic experience.
We started off at Happy Hour and had a few glasses of champagne at The Loew's Hotel, quickly turning into my favorite spot. After running up a nice sized bill and trying to decide what to do next, I just said what I felt which was "can we do something fun and not spend any money at the same time?"
Hiking to the top of the Malibu mountains was exactly what I needed. Being with MJ and Amber was extra special. I feel like I'm allowed to say anything around those 2 without being criticized. I don't worry about saying anything stupid or wrong, I just get to be me. Felt nice, and it was a really freeing experience sitting above the valley being surrounded by Mother Nature's creations.
I'm very happy right now :)
We started off at Happy Hour and had a few glasses of champagne at The Loew's Hotel, quickly turning into my favorite spot. After running up a nice sized bill and trying to decide what to do next, I just said what I felt which was "can we do something fun and not spend any money at the same time?"
Hiking to the top of the Malibu mountains was exactly what I needed. Being with MJ and Amber was extra special. I feel like I'm allowed to say anything around those 2 without being criticized. I don't worry about saying anything stupid or wrong, I just get to be me. Felt nice, and it was a really freeing experience sitting above the valley being surrounded by Mother Nature's creations.
I'm very happy right now :)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
All you Touch & All you See is All your Life will Ever Be
This is my mid-move update to remind myself of cute places I've been, and also to serve as a guide to anyone visiting LA in the near future!
Warning: I've been a lot of places :)
Father's Office Santa Monica/Culver City : Pretty good! Great beer selection. Straight forward with the menu, no substitutions or changes. We unfortunately were a little intoxicated and don't know if it was the burgers or alcohol that made us sick afterwards. Probably a combo of both considering we aren't eating much red meat these days. Good place, slightly over-rated, probably won't rush to go back.
Figtree's Cafe Venice : SO cute! Mae had a Groupon, so the pre-paid portion of the bill probably made it even cuter. We went for brunch. A+ on all of our meals.
The Whaler Venice : Great place for happy hour on a pretty day! Oceanside, beautiful sunset viewing potential. Great pitcher specials, food was decent but not that important compared to the rooftop view!
Pink's Hollywood : Historical Hotdogs! One of LA's most known restaurants. Damn good hotdog. Don't expect to ever go and not wait in a line. Worth it, at least once.
MiSoFishy Santa Monica : YUM! Repeat offender. Enough said.
Tacos por Favor Santa Monica : Another super YUM. My go to burrito place.
In N Out Burger : Pardon me California, but this is no Five Guys. No thank you.
Bay Cities Deli Santa Monica : Oooh Ms. Parker...Huge Fan. I will be back and definitely taking all visitors to try out their Goddess italian sub. Money!
Cabo Cantina Santa Monica : Eww no thank you. Over crowded, Over cheesy, Over priced, over IT.
Enterprise Fish Co. Santa Monica : Don't remember! But I think it was cute.
Alejo's Culver City BYOAlcohol! Please & Thank You. Food was ok, scene was suuuper weird and not cute if that is what you're going for, but BYOW is always appreciated.
Bigfoot West Culver City A neat place, but the energy was kind of low, so it depends on what setting you're going for. Cozy, unique, nice service, but slightly on the boring side.
Loew's Hotel Santa Monica : Ah! Taking any and everyone back. THE most beautiful place, oceanside (by the Santa Monica Pier), So cute & comfortable. Favorite Happy Hour place so far.
Trip Santa Monica : Hole in the wall neighborhood bar. Had potential, but I've only been once :)
Bravo Santa Monica : Guilty. Delivery only when I don't have time to cook and get home late.
La Grande Orange Santa Monica : Up & Down with this place! Great happy hour prices and cute selections. Good if you can't decide on another place to go.
The Basement Santa Monica : Gnarly! Another place we take our visitors. Cute drink selections and happy hour until 10. Similar to your rich friend's basement you used to chill in during high school. Nice unmatched couches, great drinks, great vibe and privacy.
3 Square Cafe Venice : Adorable!! Perfect for a pre-work brunch with friends before rushing to work on the cutest street in Venice, Abbot Kinney Boulevard. Amazing menu selections, good service, cute atmosphere. Always busy!
The Daily Pint Santa Monica : Ok. At first this place reminded me of Nowhere Bar in Athens. Then, it became more clear that it was like Nowhere bar around 11am-early afternoon crowd. Never got better, definitely was creeped on while trying to enjoy our pints of beer and play a friendly game of Jenga. Might go back because of the beer selection, but during the day. The nighttime brought some unwelcome visitors around.
Bourbon Street Santa Monica : Like most bars named Bourbon Street across the US, I have no recollection of this one. Guess that means I liked it!
The Galley Santa Monica : FUN! Good when you are in a crazy mood. Felt like I was tripping with all of the bright Christmas lights and the people oddly dressed in ship-crew attire. 2 Thumbs Up.
Cha Cha Chicken Santa Monica : THE BEST! Favorite! BYORum & Vodka for the AMAZING Flavored Aqua drinks... need to commit to visiting at least once every other week before I leave California for good.
Peet's Coffee Nothing Special! Good for coffee if you are in the area :)
Novel Cafe Santa Monica AMAZING! Organic Granola, fruit, and yogurt=Perfect breakfast before work.
Pizza Fusion Santa Monica Good! I work there and I'm not tired of it yet. Great for Gluten Free individuals.
Finn McCool's Santa Monica Best Calamari in Santa Monica so far! Trust me, I order Calamari just about everywhere. It was their cocktail sauce that made it!
Panini Pizza West Hollywood Rumored to be the best pizza in West Hollywood. Carolina and I ordered delivery when we were staying at The Beverly Hilton. Rumor=All True. Yums.
Cheesecake Factory Hollywood- The Grove QUIT Playing. Perfection! Once a year type place though [Caloriesss]
The Border Grill Santa Monica & Downtown LA SO Cute! Amazing margaritas. They have a section of smaller meals that are the perfect size when you're pairing dinner with Pomegranate & Ginger Margaritas.
Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles West La & Hollywood JUST DO IT. Seriously. Another Los Angeles County only place, and a Snoop Dogg favorite. A+++
The Library Alehouse Santa Monica Cute place for happy hour on Main St.! Great beer selection, good app's. Calamari is not so good here, I do remember noting that.
Musso & Frank Grill Hollywood The Oldest restaurant in Hollywood! Reminded me of Sardis in NYC. Very nice ambiance, fun to eat at with my family.
Houston's Beverly Hills Meh. Definitely could pass. I hear the steaks were good, but I was in the mood for something lighter and I wasn't too impressed.
Lemon Moon West LA SO cute! Good when you want a lighter lunch with amazing choices. We went before the Chelsea Lately taping. I can't wait to go back again and try other menu items. The Roasted Chicken Panini and Corn & Green Chile Soup were phenom!
The World Cafe Santa Monica Really neat atmosphere! They offer bottomless Mimosa's, but you have to commit to them to make it worth it. Must order an entree ($25ish-per person) to qualify. Most people don't usually want $25 worth of food that early, but if that's what you are looking for, this is the place! Down the street from the Santa Monica Farmer's Market, so it's a great place to stop in before/after on a pretty Sunday :)
El Torito Santa Monica Only consumed 2 shots of Patron here. They were great & not too over priced.
La Cabana Venice The Margaritas=Muy bien...Food=Mas o Menos. Fun when you already have a buzz and want to be loud with friends in a cute, cozy setting.
Dillon's Irish Pub & Grill Hollywood #1 Beer Special Award! Great selection, $3 all day! What! Perfect for a few drinks before enjoying a show at The Pantages Theatre...Beauty & The Beast for us!
Chaya Venice GREAT Happy hour spot! Will be back again. Cheap drinks & apps/sushi.
Hot Dog on a Stick Santa Monica (Pier) If you are on the Santa Monica Pier...Do It! Thanks Kendra Phillips for introducing me.
Pinkberry Santa Monica (Promenade) DELish. If you are wanting yogurt + fresh fruit and unique toppings...stop in after shopping.
Abbot's Habit Venice CUTE place for coffee in Venice on Abbot Kinney.
Sinner's and Saints - Culver City - Dull city. I should give Culver bars another chance, on a night other than a Tuesday. I know there is more potential :)
The Wiltern
The Hotel Cafe
That British Place
Classy Nails
Warning: I've been a lot of places :)
Father's Office Santa Monica/Culver City : Pretty good! Great beer selection. Straight forward with the menu, no substitutions or changes. We unfortunately were a little intoxicated and don't know if it was the burgers or alcohol that made us sick afterwards. Probably a combo of both considering we aren't eating much red meat these days. Good place, slightly over-rated, probably won't rush to go back.
Figtree's Cafe Venice : SO cute! Mae had a Groupon, so the pre-paid portion of the bill probably made it even cuter. We went for brunch. A+ on all of our meals.
The Whaler Venice : Great place for happy hour on a pretty day! Oceanside, beautiful sunset viewing potential. Great pitcher specials, food was decent but not that important compared to the rooftop view!
Pink's Hollywood : Historical Hotdogs! One of LA's most known restaurants. Damn good hotdog. Don't expect to ever go and not wait in a line. Worth it, at least once.
MiSoFishy Santa Monica : YUM! Repeat offender. Enough said.
Tacos por Favor Santa Monica : Another super YUM. My go to burrito place.
In N Out Burger : Pardon me California, but this is no Five Guys. No thank you.
Bay Cities Deli Santa Monica : Oooh Ms. Parker...Huge Fan. I will be back and definitely taking all visitors to try out their Goddess italian sub. Money!
Cabo Cantina Santa Monica : Eww no thank you. Over crowded, Over cheesy, Over priced, over IT.
Enterprise Fish Co. Santa Monica : Don't remember! But I think it was cute.
Alejo's Culver City BYOAlcohol! Please & Thank You. Food was ok, scene was suuuper weird and not cute if that is what you're going for, but BYOW is always appreciated.
Bigfoot West Culver City A neat place, but the energy was kind of low, so it depends on what setting you're going for. Cozy, unique, nice service, but slightly on the boring side.
Loew's Hotel Santa Monica : Ah! Taking any and everyone back. THE most beautiful place, oceanside (by the Santa Monica Pier), So cute & comfortable. Favorite Happy Hour place so far.
Trip Santa Monica : Hole in the wall neighborhood bar. Had potential, but I've only been once :)
Bravo Santa Monica : Guilty. Delivery only when I don't have time to cook and get home late.
La Grande Orange Santa Monica : Up & Down with this place! Great happy hour prices and cute selections. Good if you can't decide on another place to go.
The Basement Santa Monica : Gnarly! Another place we take our visitors. Cute drink selections and happy hour until 10. Similar to your rich friend's basement you used to chill in during high school. Nice unmatched couches, great drinks, great vibe and privacy.
3 Square Cafe Venice : Adorable!! Perfect for a pre-work brunch with friends before rushing to work on the cutest street in Venice, Abbot Kinney Boulevard. Amazing menu selections, good service, cute atmosphere. Always busy!
The Daily Pint Santa Monica : Ok. At first this place reminded me of Nowhere Bar in Athens. Then, it became more clear that it was like Nowhere bar around 11am-early afternoon crowd. Never got better, definitely was creeped on while trying to enjoy our pints of beer and play a friendly game of Jenga. Might go back because of the beer selection, but during the day. The nighttime brought some unwelcome visitors around.
Bourbon Street Santa Monica : Like most bars named Bourbon Street across the US, I have no recollection of this one. Guess that means I liked it!
The Galley Santa Monica : FUN! Good when you are in a crazy mood. Felt like I was tripping with all of the bright Christmas lights and the people oddly dressed in ship-crew attire. 2 Thumbs Up.
Cha Cha Chicken Santa Monica : THE BEST! Favorite! BYORum & Vodka for the AMAZING Flavored Aqua drinks... need to commit to visiting at least once every other week before I leave California for good.
Peet's Coffee Nothing Special! Good for coffee if you are in the area :)
Novel Cafe Santa Monica AMAZING! Organic Granola, fruit, and yogurt=Perfect breakfast before work.
Pizza Fusion Santa Monica Good! I work there and I'm not tired of it yet. Great for Gluten Free individuals.
Finn McCool's Santa Monica Best Calamari in Santa Monica so far! Trust me, I order Calamari just about everywhere. It was their cocktail sauce that made it!
Panini Pizza West Hollywood Rumored to be the best pizza in West Hollywood. Carolina and I ordered delivery when we were staying at The Beverly Hilton. Rumor=All True. Yums.
Cheesecake Factory Hollywood- The Grove QUIT Playing. Perfection! Once a year type place though [Caloriesss]
The Border Grill Santa Monica & Downtown LA SO Cute! Amazing margaritas. They have a section of smaller meals that are the perfect size when you're pairing dinner with Pomegranate & Ginger Margaritas.
Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles West La & Hollywood JUST DO IT. Seriously. Another Los Angeles County only place, and a Snoop Dogg favorite. A+++
The Library Alehouse Santa Monica Cute place for happy hour on Main St.! Great beer selection, good app's. Calamari is not so good here, I do remember noting that.
Musso & Frank Grill Hollywood The Oldest restaurant in Hollywood! Reminded me of Sardis in NYC. Very nice ambiance, fun to eat at with my family.
Houston's Beverly Hills Meh. Definitely could pass. I hear the steaks were good, but I was in the mood for something lighter and I wasn't too impressed.
Lemon Moon West LA SO cute! Good when you want a lighter lunch with amazing choices. We went before the Chelsea Lately taping. I can't wait to go back again and try other menu items. The Roasted Chicken Panini and Corn & Green Chile Soup were phenom!
The World Cafe Santa Monica Really neat atmosphere! They offer bottomless Mimosa's, but you have to commit to them to make it worth it. Must order an entree ($25ish-per person) to qualify. Most people don't usually want $25 worth of food that early, but if that's what you are looking for, this is the place! Down the street from the Santa Monica Farmer's Market, so it's a great place to stop in before/after on a pretty Sunday :)
El Torito Santa Monica Only consumed 2 shots of Patron here. They were great & not too over priced.
La Cabana Venice The Margaritas=Muy bien...Food=Mas o Menos. Fun when you already have a buzz and want to be loud with friends in a cute, cozy setting.
Dillon's Irish Pub & Grill Hollywood #1 Beer Special Award! Great selection, $3 all day! What! Perfect for a few drinks before enjoying a show at The Pantages Theatre...Beauty & The Beast for us!
Chaya Venice GREAT Happy hour spot! Will be back again. Cheap drinks & apps/sushi.
Hot Dog on a Stick Santa Monica (Pier) If you are on the Santa Monica Pier...Do It! Thanks Kendra Phillips for introducing me.
Pinkberry Santa Monica (Promenade) DELish. If you are wanting yogurt + fresh fruit and unique toppings...stop in after shopping.
Abbot's Habit Venice CUTE place for coffee in Venice on Abbot Kinney.
Sinner's and Saints - Culver City - Dull city. I should give Culver bars another chance, on a night other than a Tuesday. I know there is more potential :)
The Wiltern
The Hotel Cafe
That British Place
Classy Nails
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Move on up towards your destination You may find from time to time Complications
OOoh weeee! What a beautiful and awesome Sunday!
I am currently in the kitchen, listening to music, drinking a glass of red wine, while making what I'm going to call the Roscoe's Chicken Stew. I am super curious and excited to see how this turns out. If it is good I will post pictures and comment later.
Chicken Broth
Tomato Juice
Little bit of H2O
Black Beans
Red Pepper
Leftover Chicken from Roscoe's Chicken N Waffles
Indian rice with herbs and small vegetables
S & P
Ground red pepper
A little garlic
A touch of cinnamon
A touch of honey
1 drop of Organic Molasses
Moving was a great day at Undiscovered! It was my first + $1,000 day. YAY!
Music: Lettuce Pandora station awesomeness
I am currently in the kitchen, listening to music, drinking a glass of red wine, while making what I'm going to call the Roscoe's Chicken Stew. I am super curious and excited to see how this turns out. If it is good I will post pictures and comment later.
Chicken Broth
Tomato Juice
Little bit of H2O
Black Beans
Red Pepper
Leftover Chicken from Roscoe's Chicken N Waffles
Indian rice with herbs and small vegetables
S & P
Ground red pepper
A little garlic
A touch of cinnamon
A touch of honey
1 drop of Organic Molasses
Moving was a great day at Undiscovered! It was my first + $1,000 day. YAY!
Music: Lettuce Pandora station awesomeness
Saturday, March 19, 2011
come hear uncle johns band by the riverside
just packed for my "Los Angeles Vacation"...i cannot WAIT to see my dad and sister!! this is going to be the best....i can't express how much i'm looking forward to it.
i haven't been keeping up with my blog much b/c i've been a little busy and up and down. most of my creative writing skills have been dedicated to my UNCA application. plus, i feel like i've been keeping too many secrets lately. it's kind of weighing down on me...i don't like keeping information that i know would affect other people to myself. i need to get some things figured out and out in the open....always in limbo so it seems :)
looking forward to a bunch coming up! kendra visits soon too!
pandora: grateful dead station.
i haven't been keeping up with my blog much b/c i've been a little busy and up and down. most of my creative writing skills have been dedicated to my UNCA application. plus, i feel like i've been keeping too many secrets lately. it's kind of weighing down on me...i don't like keeping information that i know would affect other people to myself. i need to get some things figured out and out in the open....always in limbo so it seems :)
looking forward to a bunch coming up! kendra visits soon too!
pandora: grateful dead station.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
classy nails
this morning i woke up feeling like a steam roller was going back and forth over my lower back. ugh. not feeling too hot. so i took a bath and got a pedicure by Cinder at classy nails down the street. two thumbs up...$15, super nice, very thorough. my feet needed some serious attention.
i'm working on application stuff for UNCA. i hope i get in.... my setting is outside on the new patio furniture, enjoying the pretty day before i go into work with some nice candles lit and nellie mckay pandora radio. trying to get my relaxation on.
LOTS of music and fun things to look forward to coming up:
dad and carolina's visit, kendra's visit, galactic, st. pat's day (???), Lettuce & Soulive on my BIRTHDAY, hopefully a couple of my friends can come out for that one....pete yorn, dumpstaphunk, rebelution, going home for a quick visit in may, hangout many other things. i betta start saving more!!
i'm working on application stuff for UNCA. i hope i get in.... my setting is outside on the new patio furniture, enjoying the pretty day before i go into work with some nice candles lit and nellie mckay pandora radio. trying to get my relaxation on.
LOTS of music and fun things to look forward to coming up:
dad and carolina's visit, kendra's visit, galactic, st. pat's day (???), Lettuce & Soulive on my BIRTHDAY, hopefully a couple of my friends can come out for that one....pete yorn, dumpstaphunk, rebelution, going home for a quick visit in may, hangout many other things. i betta start saving more!!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
budlight, miller, coors...
people have been so tricky lately! work (PF) is getting weird. i feel like change follows me wherever i go. my bad.... but really. had a few picky people tonight. this one douche asked if we had any "real" beers and proceeded to say that our draft beers (racer 5 ipa, Green Flash Hop Head Red, Barney Flatts Oatmeal Stout, Fat Tire, Mama's Yella Pilsner, Allagash White, etc.) were "fruity tooty" beers and he would leave and go somewhere to get a pizza with real beer. i really thought i was in georgia for a moment. then the guy comes back, i see them sitting outside for a while waiting on a pizza, so i decided to bring him 2 small test glasses of racer 5 and pilsner. i felt like those were closest to what he would maybe consider "normal". so he really starts getting so close to rage mode! "maybe you didn't understand me when i said bud, miller, coors..." his wife was preeetty embarrassed. well, we're not sure if they were married, but i'm sure no one would be out with a SOB like that unless under the force of marriage.
ATL was soooo awesome. i don't know where to begin, or where i would end, but i'll remember the important stuff on my own :) REALLY miss my friends & loved ones this week. ready for the end of march and april when people start visiting!
ATL was soooo awesome. i don't know where to begin, or where i would end, but i'll remember the important stuff on my own :) REALLY miss my friends & loved ones this week. ready for the end of march and april when people start visiting!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
real quick
i've lost around 15 lbs since my move! it's been about a month and a 1/2. just weighed myself and even though it was after a run, yoga, and not eating anything yet this morning, i'm so pumped! haven't seen this number in a couple of years :) it's jumped up in the past week or so, i'd say i've lost about 7 just within the past couple of weeks. i've been trying of course, and i got sick, so i'm sure that helped. trying not to eat too late either, and cut back on the drinking.
to say my eating habits have improved out here is an understatement! i ate relatively good back home, but last night talking with belle-anne made me realize that i've had red meat once, and it was only a couple of bites, and chicken just a few times. basically meatless. HAPPY :D but Babs thinks i'm crazy and said if she was out here she would be JUST fine being the outcast that always ordered meat. can't wait to get a steak with her in Atlanta tonight, then run 10 miles next week to get it out!
to say my eating habits have improved out here is an understatement! i ate relatively good back home, but last night talking with belle-anne made me realize that i've had red meat once, and it was only a couple of bites, and chicken just a few times. basically meatless. HAPPY :D but Babs thinks i'm crazy and said if she was out here she would be JUST fine being the outcast that always ordered meat. can't wait to get a steak with her in Atlanta tonight, then run 10 miles next week to get it out!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
New job + New cold remedy
I got the job at Heist! So excited. I'll be working for their new store, Undiscovered, which is connected to Heist. They just opened Undiscovered on January 29th of this year, here is a link with a little article on the store. It's a couple of business down on the list. Can't wait! I start training next Monday.
Shannon, the manager of Heist and the lady who interviewed me, was SO nice when she called. I was making vegetable soup and was so distracted with happiness and excitement that I almost forgot to finish!
I changed over to the James Brown pandora station after the news. When I think of celebration music, I immediately think the father of funk. The first song was "Get up, Get into it, Get involved"....Perfeccction.
ATL bound in 2 days!! :D
OH yeah, to get over my cold in just ONE day this is what I have done:
Sudafed, Claratin, Lots of emergen-C packs, lottts of Echinacea, Lemonsgrass, and Lemon tea, and the final tea that i'm pretty sure kicked me into gear this morning was a Moroccan Mint herbal tea. After a couple of those I was good to go. Lots of and only (for the most part) fruits and vegs. The soup I'm making now has: corn, peas, zucchini, onions, celery, lots of different kinds of carrots, pinto beans, just one potato, shaved ginger root, trader joes organic and low-sodium veg broth, tom juice, water, and lots of herbs and spices. i purchased all of these vegs from either the farmers market or trader joes for under $10 (all of them!).
Shannon, the manager of Heist and the lady who interviewed me, was SO nice when she called. I was making vegetable soup and was so distracted with happiness and excitement that I almost forgot to finish!
I changed over to the James Brown pandora station after the news. When I think of celebration music, I immediately think the father of funk. The first song was "Get up, Get into it, Get involved"....Perfeccction.
ATL bound in 2 days!! :D
OH yeah, to get over my cold in just ONE day this is what I have done:
Sudafed, Claratin, Lots of emergen-C packs, lottts of Echinacea, Lemonsgrass, and Lemon tea, and the final tea that i'm pretty sure kicked me into gear this morning was a Moroccan Mint herbal tea. After a couple of those I was good to go. Lots of and only (for the most part) fruits and vegs. The soup I'm making now has: corn, peas, zucchini, onions, celery, lots of different kinds of carrots, pinto beans, just one potato, shaved ginger root, trader joes organic and low-sodium veg broth, tom juice, water, and lots of herbs and spices. i purchased all of these vegs from either the farmers market or trader joes for under $10 (all of them!).
Sunday, February 20, 2011
[[[Friends & Strange Moments]]]
At Buffalo's during my last semester of college! Friends since the beginning of the GSU chapter, Hallie & Brittany
scott underwood @ the farewell to 109 Broad St. party at Emily and Janie's. One of the better costumes, per usual Mr. Underwood! Always appreciated.
kendra and i at the SHS Class of 2005 5 Year Reunion!
Watching the sunrise after Julia and I arrived the first night for NYC Summer vacation II, on top of the roof at Mary & Lillie's apt. Me, Erica, Lillie, Mary
Juls (Pre-coffin cat, watch it start to form here) and I posted up in our spots for the next 2 weeks at Lea's apartment, Manhattan
Matt and I the night everyone got twistedd at that bar that reminded us of dingus meets nyc. Upper West Side
Appreciating the honesty on the Venice Boardwalk, CA
Franklin. What a BEAUTY!
Carsie Blanton with Oliver Woods signature. After The Wood Brothers show @ The HOtel Cafe, Los Angeles, CA
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Juls, Hensley, Lea, and myself~Times Square Summer 2010....After Massive amounts of empanadas and sangria @ our favorite, Empanada Mama-Hell's Kitchen NYC
This dude was from another Cobbtown! This was one of those moments that has to be documented and appreciated. Cobbtown Hero's 04'
On the Ferry going from CT to RI, heading towards our adventure on Block Island, Summer 2010. Another pair of my favorite sisters!
Julia and Hensley on the tandem, Lea on the 10 million speed about to tear it up on Block Island, RI
Someone drank too many strawberry daq's before the unexpected 10 million mile bike ride to the beach! Zoops! Taking what we call a "breather"
This is exactly what was going through everyone's mind at the time, and someone had freshly spray painted this rock when we stumbled across it. Unique, hilarious.
hensley & i after the Aztec temple-ish wood stair climb, Block Island, RI
The whole group! Block Island, RI
Uncle Muff mean muggin' over some lobster!
At the classic Katz's Deli, NYC
Next door to Katz's at the most adorable wine bar we'd ever been to. Lina Fey, owned by a really sweet lady we talked to named Manot Trudaeu.
Train station, TImes Square, Summer 2010!
Right before Julia ventured off to Broadway with a new friend named Jeremy and his 3 friends haha.
The night things got OOC and SO much fun, all over the city, NYC.
Puffin Sands
alligator bar, NYC 2010
A night out in Statesboro! At will and luke's house
In Valdosta for a quick visit, Me and Wesley!
Will at the Botanical Gardens in Statesboro!
Having a beer before the Avett Brothers show in COlumbia, SC
Rachel & I at Dingus!
Dingus :)
Too funny not to include.
Travis's first Saki experience, Statesboro
Selena Gomez, Halloween 2010
The best nun ever, Halloween 2010
Avatar Jessica, costume #2
Halloween, Savannah, GA
Halloween In Statesboro! Miss these guys
Haha! Fav picture of Al pal. Asheville, NC
Bear Creek 2010! Live Oak, FL
El SOmbrero with Mary & Matt!
Grilling corn at Kbob's over thanksgiving break 2010
nothing like thanksgiving drinking with the middleton's! favorites.
my first day living on the west coast! i like this pic of maee
kringlefest 2010! seesters
mobile log cabin. perfection?
creations of carolina and myself over thanksgiving break. kbob tiles
asheville, NC. morning of snow :) when we thought we were time, in time.
will & daisy, plantation in Thomasville, GA
Say goodnight kevin!! NYC 2010
igloo! statesboro snow feb 2010
igloooo and clark
in the beautiful Tennessee mountains, Morgan & Morgan, May 2010
Lea came for a quick visit! St. Simons, GA
Lots of SHS C/o 2005, over the summer 2010
Tybee Island Merk Squad! Tower 15, Tybee IS, GA
funniest moment ever to a Sir Mix A Lot song, Nick with a completely spontaneous dance partner.
kylie and juls! beauties
christmas break! jan 2010 at chris blake and zach's house, Statesboro
the first night i hung out with morgan! it was destined, truly. reese's 22nd Kbob's, Statesboro
my last spring break ever in CALI, March 2010
hiking in malibu with MAF, march 2010
St. Pat's, 2010, CA
SHS Alice in Wonderland play! Mom, bradley, carolina, and myself. favorites
another classic nick pic!
this guy re-defined being prepared! kbob's, spring
metter bloomin onion festival! aka fried food fest. awesome, but glad only once a year!
all guilty of being at the blooming onion fest! yum!
sheddfest 2010. :)
random moment at sheddfest! gettin super sheddy
p-funk allstars at wanee, april 2010, live oak, FLA
wanee 2010, after p-funk and George CLinton
Cinco de Mayo 2010
Hope you guys enjoyed :)
scott underwood @ the farewell to 109 Broad St. party at Emily and Janie's. One of the better costumes, per usual Mr. Underwood! Always appreciated.
kendra and i at the SHS Class of 2005 5 Year Reunion!
Watching the sunrise after Julia and I arrived the first night for NYC Summer vacation II, on top of the roof at Mary & Lillie's apt. Me, Erica, Lillie, Mary
Juls (Pre-coffin cat, watch it start to form here) and I posted up in our spots for the next 2 weeks at Lea's apartment, Manhattan
Matt and I the night everyone got twistedd at that bar that reminded us of dingus meets nyc. Upper West Side
Appreciating the honesty on the Venice Boardwalk, CA
Franklin. What a BEAUTY!
Carsie Blanton with Oliver Woods signature. After The Wood Brothers show @ The HOtel Cafe, Los Angeles, CA
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Juls, Hensley, Lea, and myself~Times Square Summer 2010....After Massive amounts of empanadas and sangria @ our favorite, Empanada Mama-Hell's Kitchen NYC
This dude was from another Cobbtown! This was one of those moments that has to be documented and appreciated. Cobbtown Hero's 04'
On the Ferry going from CT to RI, heading towards our adventure on Block Island, Summer 2010. Another pair of my favorite sisters!
Julia and Hensley on the tandem, Lea on the 10 million speed about to tear it up on Block Island, RI
Someone drank too many strawberry daq's before the unexpected 10 million mile bike ride to the beach! Zoops! Taking what we call a "breather"
This is exactly what was going through everyone's mind at the time, and someone had freshly spray painted this rock when we stumbled across it. Unique, hilarious.
hensley & i after the Aztec temple-ish wood stair climb, Block Island, RI
The whole group! Block Island, RI
Uncle Muff mean muggin' over some lobster!
At the classic Katz's Deli, NYC
Next door to Katz's at the most adorable wine bar we'd ever been to. Lina Fey, owned by a really sweet lady we talked to named Manot Trudaeu.
Train station, TImes Square, Summer 2010!
Right before Julia ventured off to Broadway with a new friend named Jeremy and his 3 friends haha.
The night things got OOC and SO much fun, all over the city, NYC.
Puffin Sands
alligator bar, NYC 2010
A night out in Statesboro! At will and luke's house
In Valdosta for a quick visit, Me and Wesley!
Will at the Botanical Gardens in Statesboro!
Having a beer before the Avett Brothers show in COlumbia, SC
Rachel & I at Dingus!
Dingus :)
Too funny not to include.
Travis's first Saki experience, Statesboro
Selena Gomez, Halloween 2010
The best nun ever, Halloween 2010
Avatar Jessica, costume #2
Halloween, Savannah, GA
Halloween In Statesboro! Miss these guys
Haha! Fav picture of Al pal. Asheville, NC
Bear Creek 2010! Live Oak, FL
El SOmbrero with Mary & Matt!
Grilling corn at Kbob's over thanksgiving break 2010
nothing like thanksgiving drinking with the middleton's! favorites.
my first day living on the west coast! i like this pic of maee
kringlefest 2010! seesters
mobile log cabin. perfection?
creations of carolina and myself over thanksgiving break. kbob tiles
asheville, NC. morning of snow :) when we thought we were time, in time.
will & daisy, plantation in Thomasville, GA
Say goodnight kevin!! NYC 2010
igloo! statesboro snow feb 2010
igloooo and clark
in the beautiful Tennessee mountains, Morgan & Morgan, May 2010
Lea came for a quick visit! St. Simons, GA
Lots of SHS C/o 2005, over the summer 2010
Tybee Island Merk Squad! Tower 15, Tybee IS, GA
funniest moment ever to a Sir Mix A Lot song, Nick with a completely spontaneous dance partner.
kylie and juls! beauties
christmas break! jan 2010 at chris blake and zach's house, Statesboro
the first night i hung out with morgan! it was destined, truly. reese's 22nd Kbob's, Statesboro
my last spring break ever in CALI, March 2010
hiking in malibu with MAF, march 2010
St. Pat's, 2010, CA
SHS Alice in Wonderland play! Mom, bradley, carolina, and myself. favorites
another classic nick pic!
this guy re-defined being prepared! kbob's, spring
metter bloomin onion festival! aka fried food fest. awesome, but glad only once a year!
all guilty of being at the blooming onion fest! yum!
sheddfest 2010. :)
random moment at sheddfest! gettin super sheddy
p-funk allstars at wanee, april 2010, live oak, FLA
wanee 2010, after p-funk and George CLinton
Cinco de Mayo 2010
Hope you guys enjoyed :)
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