Sunday, July 24, 2011

real quick...

I would just like to take a minute to give props to car owners and drivers in Los Angeles.

There was a lot of hype over Carmageddon last weekend, and as a new resident of the area, I naively worried about the chaos that was supposed to be "Carmageddon".\\

July 15-17, 2011 Carmageddon::

I have never had a more enjoyable ride to work, home from work, anywhere in LA. Nobody was on the road! Considering the 405 is basically always bumper to bumper, the anticipation of 405 traffic ALL over LA x 10 was definitely something that could have happened, if LA wasn't filled with outstanding citizens that all decided to use this opportunity to become more familiar with their own unique neighborhoods. It was so nice, not only because of the crazy lack of drivers out, but knowing that everyone was working together and enjoyed doing so. The people out here are really great, for the most part. There are exceptions in every group. :)

The drivers out here usually work together, which is awesome to be a part of. Everyone is trying to get somewhere, and the degree of selfishness on the road is slighty smaller out here, to me anyways. You get what you put out in LA. This city is filled with beautiful, creative, giving, kind, caring creatures. People take care of themselves and they take care of each other. It's a nice little world and I'm happy to be living in it :)

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