first day in california! i'm sooo excited! the exclamation points are evidence of that.
today was great. i woke up early around 7:30, because my body is used to east coast time (we'll see how long this lasts), and went for a run. i'm going to take my camera one morning and let the pictures speak for themselves instead of describing things i saw in detail right meow.
around 11:00 we (mae, austin, frank-probably hence forth known as MAF, austin's friend adam, and myself) left for a beer brewing competition in san diego county! mae's boyfriend austin is very much into brewing. and who's not into good beer? it was really nice to see an enjoyable group of people doing something they love and being as happy as kids. i plan to learn as much as i can about brewing while i'm out here. also thinking about "brewing" wine in the future?
mae and i cashed out on the way back to santa monica after enjoying a nice afternoon of good beers & pizza. and sun! it's 70ish degrees here! so nice.
after we made it back, mae and i went to a bar, Trip, to watch the 2nd half of the Falcons game. it was 14 to 14 when we arrived, and 48 to 21 (packers) when we left. we're pretty sure the falcons loss is due to some mixed up vibes that were created by mae's presence in the Trip bar. the falcons are known to have tough times when she cheers them on from that particular location.
speaking of mixed up vibes, last night we were walking to get sushi and there was an intense police scene taking over a couple of blocks down. we asked about what was going on but couldn't get any info. turns out, a freshman from Santa Monica HS left baseball practice and went to this hotel down the street from our house, and jumped out of a 10th story window. terrible... so sad. the man that spread this news witnessed it happening after moving here just a few days ago from Atlanta. Small world, huh?
lightening up.......we had Thai for dinner! i ordered the pineapple chicken fried rice, to compare to my favorite dish from Coconut's in Statesboro. by the way, mad props for Coconut's. Everything i've had from there is phenomenal. i tried curry for the first time tonight! me like. the PCFR from this restaurant, which i think was called Siam's (?), was not as good as Coconut's. that really speaks for how awesome Coco's dish is, because Siam's was great, like most food out here tends to be.
we ate with mae's friends MJ & Amber. They were awesome! once i figured out that i wasn't moving to asheville, i was pretty bummed about not being able to hang out with the cool ladies i met when i was house/job searching. i'm glad to know that there are plenty of great people to get to know out here as well :)
i was clumsy today. this is getting on my nerves 2011! i locked my keys in my car a couple weeks back in Thomasville, Dec. 31st i believe, and i'm thinking that was just a preview b/c i've done some out of the ordinary clumsy things ever since! annoying. need to lock that up.
training starts tomorrow! i think mae is going to be a great manager to work with. she's considerate, rational, smart, quick, able to provide direction & understanding, and we have a one-up on the communication element as well. + more. Love! MJ works there too, and between mae & her, i've already got some crucial insider tips. gotta watch out for some folks, put some people in line, and always remember, East coast to West, haters stay pissed & pimps stay proud.
i think i'm out on that note. can't wait to start my new job tomorrow!
current listening pleasure: weeds season 2 disc 1, courtesy of MAF's DVD collection.
Still really upset the Falcons lost!