where did the phrase indian giver come from? i feel like it has some sort of a negative connotation towards native americans. like people automatically relate a "bad indian" to this act of selfishness. maybe it refers to how the europeans kind of stumbled across america and were like, "hey native americans, we're just gonna settle over here peacefully. not going to harm you or take any of your land. how about you all just teach us your ways of life, sense we're newcomers, & work hard to get everything ready for us. while you all slowly die of diseases we brought along from a little place called Europe, and then we're going to push the survivors out, after we think we can handle everything ourselves, of course."
number two: do not=don't. we are=we're can not=can't....who decided Do Not was going to be shortened to the sound "DONT" and why? not that it matters to me personally, i'm a fan of contractions. do other languages use contractions? i was thinking it must be sort of difficult for someone learning English to start synchronizing the words DO NOT and DONT.
MY FAVORITE ALBUM OF 2011: Toubab Krewe: Tk2...Asheville, you are not too far away...I miss you!
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